Dancing Dove Creations

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Vixen of the Sea

Here's one of the mermaids I made last night. My daughter woke up at 11 pm and wouldn't go back to sleep, so I stayed up with her most of the night and actually got a little artwork done in between watching Teletubbies and Nemo. The original mermaid was just something I was playing around with. I had a bunch of scraps lying on the table and one looked a bit like a fish tail. I found a vintage image that fit the size of the "fish tail". I don't like the length of the tail but that was a necessity to make sure it would fit on a 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" card. I scanned it, reduced the size and then placed it over a background similar to the one I used for "Lucky". (I really like the way bright, busy papers look when covered with a thin layer of rice paper.) Then I added a bit of gold ink to the bodice and tail to make her stand out a little. I'm not totally happy with this one. It's a tad...bland, but I'm still playing with the basic idea.


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