Dancing Dove Creations

Saturday, March 11, 2006


This is a HORRIBLE scan, but I still wanted to share this card because it was one of my favorites from this past week. I call it "Icarus". It was for a swap in which you had to have at least one feather on each card. "Icarus" started because I printed off a fiery looking background for something else and some of them didn't print well. While trying to wait for my muse to speak to me I started playing around with some of the materials I had laying on the table to see if I could salvage one of the backgrounds even with its printing flaws. I tied a few ragged looking feathers together with some black hemp-type string and put that over the printer error and discovered that I liked it. I poked holes in the card and tied the feathers on. It still needed something else though, so I went rummaging in the desk drawer and found my red sealing wax. I melted some on the place where the feathers were ties on to help hold them on. I originally envisioned something much neater, but the wax had other ideas. It started dribbling elsewhere on the card so I went with it. This is one of those serendipitous pieces that just all fell together without me even trying. I love that kind!


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