Dancing Dove Creations

Monday, June 05, 2006

Paint Along - Final Painting

Well...here's the final mess, er painting. I liked the painting up until the final step and then I blew it. In the final step we were to add color by "printing" with the paint by putting it on a foam plate or something of that nature and pressing it onto the painting. I knew what I wanted to do but the paint just didn't want to cooperate. I realized it as soon as I put paint to paper and tried to clean it off but it just didn't want to budge. So, in an effort to salavage what I could I scumbled the yellow, white, gold mixture that had smeared so badly into other areas. It still needed something else so I started painting more swirlies in a bronzy-gold color. Then another disaster struck. I got a huge dribble of paint near the right hand corner that most definitely did NOT fit into my plans! I ended up painting that big fireworks looking thing there to cover it up. I hated having to cover up the masked shapes that I liked. ICK! Can you say OVERWORKED! Oh well, maybe it can be cut up to use for backgrounds in other pieces.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Shari said...

Hi---my name is shari and I just love what you have done! If this was a mistake, it was a "happy mistake"!! I have just joined the Experimental Acrylics group and I also belong to another group that is doing a collage round robin using some of the same techniques as you have used in your "paint along" canvas. The biggest difference is that each month we do a layer on someone elses canvas and then pass it on. Also there are no real directions for each layer. It is a lot of fun.
my blog---

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Ren Allen said...

When I look at this I just see a big, happy, colorful work of art! You worked your mistakes in beautifully. Sierra (9) just looked over my shoulder and said "AWESOME!!":)


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