Dancing Dove Creations

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dirty Little Words

I can't post a picture with this, but I had to post about it anyway. My husband has declared some of my newfound art groups "just plain weird" and he's right...but they suit me and my tastes to a T. Just when I'm feeling bored with the same old themes on the rest of my groups, one of these lists will come up with some outrageous, off the wall idea that makes me want to go rushing to my art area. My favorite groups all do swaps geared toward the odd, the unusual, and even the "distasteful". They often cause me to take the crass, the moronic, the ugly, the gross - the things we often try to hide - and see them in a new light.

The latest in my odd swaps was a mini ATC swap using swear words...but not just ANY swear words, mind you. These had to be glittery, sparkly, FUN swear words. Take your favorite 4-letter words and turn them into ART! It sounds totally goofy, I know, but it was just the sort of release I needed after a difficult last few weeks. Just seeing my favorite cuss words (and some of my least favorites as well) all decked out in glitter and rhinestones was a sight to behold. Wish I could scan them and show you all, but it's still broken and my camera can't take pictures of things that are quite that tiny (1.5"x2.5"). Then again, I know some people have read this blog with their kids, so maybe it's a good thing I can't post them!

I was sitting there looking at one of the finished pieces and thought to myself "I could make a big painting of one of these words to go in my new house!" I can just see people's faces when they walk into my home and see a big, glittery, bejeweled "F" word on the wall above the fireplace. LOL That would just crack me up! Primarily because so many people think I don't cuss. (Ha!)


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