A heap o' crochetin' goin' on
The crochet bug has hit with full force this winter! These are just a couple of the things I've made this week. I just sent the two bookmarks (made from patterns in a booklet which I don't have on hand at the moment) off for a swap. The mini bear, which is only about 4 1/2 inches high, was immediately spirited away by my daughter however. She has carried it everywhere and even took it to bed with her when it was nap time, so I don't think it will be getting sent in for its intended swap. (Hopefully I can save one of my bears from her loving clutches before the swap deadline gets here!) I'm doing a lot of little stuff for some reason. Maybe I've just had enough of the bulky yarns that I was working with for a while. In addition to these, I also finished a couple of ponchos and a sweater for my daughter. I started a new pair of socks and a new sweater for myself, a tiny little thread bear that is turning out really cute, and several other things. Some will make it to the finished stage, many will not. I'm a little too picky about my projects and end up ripping out more than I finish. Not so much because they are messed up but simply because I don't like the way they are turning out and don't want to waste my time finishing something that I'm not happy with. *sigh* So many crochet projects, so little time.
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