Dancing Dove Creations

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The week from hell

Every time I think I'm getting back on my feet this winter something else happens. It's been another rough couple of weeks around here. I had a 4 day migraine a couple of weeks ago and the very day that it went away I got some sort of stomach bug that lasted the rest of the week. Ick. My two oldest cats have both been sick. One is recovering but isn't quite the same. He used to be a 25 pounder and he's down to about 8 pounds. He's pitiful looking but he's getting stronger. For how long I don't know though. He's 16 years old and has always had health problems. I always expected him to be the first one to go, but that hasn't turned out to be the case. Tigre, my oldest cat had a major seizure just as Basgar, the former 25 pounder, was recovering. Tigre is dying and there isn't a thing I can do. Her seizure turned out to be a major stroke and she has been declining ever since. She is lying upstairs resting at the moment but she won't be with us much longer. She doesn't want to be moved or even held, which is highly unusual for her. I have never known Tigre to NOT want to be held! She got out and was hit by a car once and even then she came crawling to me wanting to be held. But not now. She stopped eating 4 or 5 days ago and has now stopped drinking. She's given up. It's depressing and horrible and I hate it. She was my furry alarm clock who woke me up every morning by walking all over me and demanding to be fed. It's strangely quiet in the a.m. now. I have done a little artwork, but not as much as I'd like. I'm feeling both an apathy toward the art I'm trying to do and a gestation of new works making their way to the surface. I'll post some of what I have done later. Not feeling like it at the moment.


At 9:20 AM, Blogger Deanne said...

{{{Jessica}}} I'm so sorry about your cats. It's horrible to see them decline like that. Sending loving, strong energy your way for the days ahead.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Jessica said...

Thank you, Deanne. We miss Tigre terribly! We're having a funeral for her today and when the weather warms up we'll plant a tree next to her grave. Whenever we see her tree growing and thriving we'll think of her.


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