Dancing Dove Creations

Friday, September 14, 2007

Long time no see!

I can't believe it was MARCH when I last posted here! I've missed my arting adventures *terribly* these last few months. I haven't done any painting (wahhh!), nor have I participated in any art exchanges. We originally were told that we needed to get our house done by June, and then when June came we were told there was a mistake and it was September afterall (when we originally thought our permit expired). Now September is here and guess what...we're *STILL* not done!!! *sigh* I am so very, very, very weary of putting everything on hold until we get moved. I hate living in apartments while we work on our house. And some days I just don't think I can go another minute without some space to CREATE! But the good news is, I'm *not* depressed! Maybe it's because I can see just how close we are to finally moving in, or maybe it's because I've been working on reversing negative thought patterns. I don't know. But it does feel good to not feel myself slipping down into that dark abyss even though things are not going the way I'd hoped.

I haven't let myself be totally un-creative all this time though. Thanks to several friends who have had or are having new babies, I got to use the excuse of "needing to make baby presents" to do a lot of crocheting and knitting in the evenings. I'll save those pics for some time in the near future just so I have *something* to post. The kids and I have also been getting crafty recently. We whipped up these funky sock monkeys in about an hour and a half this past week. The kids picked the socks out a long time ago and I found them the other day while going through the craft closet. I did the sewing and the kids helped design and stuff them. Didn't they turn out *SWEET*?! The black stripey one was dubbed Skully Crossbones. Cameron requested a skull mask accessory, so of course I pulled out the crochet hooks and came up with this number that allows his glittery little eyes to peek through. The pink monkey is Strawberry Rose. Catherine had no specific requests other than "clothes" so I took the liberty of designing a hippie inspired ensemble with a crocheted apron top (open back) and long crocheted skirt. The pics aren't the greatest, but hopefully you get some idea of just how sweet they are. The funniest part about this project is that I normally *HATE* sock monkeys. LOL They're creepy little buggers. But I think these guys are pretty darned cute!


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