Dancing Dove Creations

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Finally...an update

We've moved!!! After six and a half years or restoration/rehabbing, we're finally living in our house. I'm sitting in what will be my office/studio at the moment. The walls are unfinished and none of my studio furniture will be here until tomorrow when the truck comes, but I'm that much closer to getting to do art again. I've signed up for a couple of ATC swaps this month just so that I have an excuse to put my studio area to rights before everything else.

Participating in a swap will also give me a starting place. I've been sporadically doing my morning pages ("The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron) for a while, but nothing more creative than that. All of my creative energy has been used up on the house. I haven't even had any *ideas*, which is unusual for me. I'm usually so full of ideas that I don't have time to act on all of them. I'm sure I'll have a serious case of artist's block when I first sit down at the easel. But I've learned that the best way through it is to just put brush to paper. Even if what comes from it is crap, it gets the energy flowing again and then the ideas can come.


At 9:22 PM, Blogger The Odd Bird said...

Congrats on the move... I know you must be so happy.. to finally move... Miss you at the Oddkin group... Hugs....jaYne


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