Dancing Dove Creations

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Up and Running...sort of

I've finally started creating again!! I was lamenting the fact that I have no space in which to create again the other day when I realized that I've been creating on the dining room table for years now and, although not ideal, it *worked*. I had this idea in my head that when I moved into my house after so many years of apartment living, I wouldn't "settle" for anything less than an actual studio room, but sticking to that ideal was doing nothing but making me miserable because I "couldn't" create. What a line a crap I was feeding myself! I have NO EXCUSE for not creating simply because my "studio" is still the holding place for tile, paint cans, drywall, unistalled doors, and whatever other house projects we've got going on. The same day I came to that realization my son saw that one of our lists was having a magical creatures swap. He is very much into magical creatures, cryptids and the like so we immediately sat down and created our first ATCs for a swap since we moved. It felt *SO* good to just DOODLE!! I was very happy with the way my cards turned out, but unfortunately I can't share them with you all. We just had to totally wipe our computer because of a nasty virus and our photo programs haven't been re-installed. I've signed up for several other swaps this month though, so as soon as we get our computer fully up and running I'll be posting ATCs again!


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