This is a pretty dark scan, but then it's a pretty dark piece. It's difficult to see the colors of the paint, especially the reds which were an important part of this piece. I felt that the deep reds, which reminded me of blood, represented my life force and my emotional wounds that were being swallowed up in this feeling of *misery*. I felt like I was being *engulfed* in waves of dark water. I was having one of those days when it feels like nothing is right, like no part of my life is where I want it to be, and I can't see a way out of it. I hate days like that. I have suffered from depression in the past and days like that remind me just how horrible it feels to be depressed. I never want to sink down into that bottomless pit again, but on those days it feels like that's where I'm headed. It's aweful. I didn't used to let myself express those feelings. My thought was that if I "fed" that part of me by acknowledging it, it would take over and I would be swallowed up again...and who knows if I would be able to pull myself out again? That's a scary thought for me. But in reality I have found the opposite to be true. If I let myself really *feel* those feelings, if I let go and let myself go deep into them and really *express* them, I feel lighter and can move on. One of the best ways of dealing with negative or overwhelming emotions for me is to "paint them out". I find that encapsulating those feelings in paint on paper gets them *out* and as soon as the painting feels "done" I can breathe again. Just looking at this one, I feel myself wanting to take deep, nourishing, soul healing breaths. It's a very *healing* painting for me. I don't think this one is going anywhere.